New beginning



Patch Note January 23, 2025Update

2025-01-23 08:00

Hello, this is ArcheWorld.
Please read the details of the scheduled maintenance patch notes on January 23, 2025 below.

[Halcyona Supply Raid]

A new Halcyona supply raid has been added.
- A supply unit will appear at regular intervals in front of Warsmith Castle.
- Defeat the supply unit and obtain trade packs. Transport the trade packs to the Operations Base Camp, and claim Delphinad Manastones as a reward.

Four new recipes that require Delphinad Manastones have been added.
- Craft using the Multipurpose Workbench in Marianople and Austera.

[Conflict Area]

Peace time has been removed from all Conflict Areas.

[Event Rankings]

Consume rankings for Illustrious Awakening Scrolls, Illustrious Lucky Scrolls, and Magnificent Lucky Scrolls have been added.

[Housing Furniture]

Fifteen conversion recipes that were missing from the Basic Magic Supplies Workbench have been added.

Blue Salt Shop]

The sale of "Lucky Pouch" (purchasable with BSLT) has ended.
A new "Dream Pouch" has been added.


The conversion recipe for "Conqueror's Awakening Scroll x3" > "Illustrious Awakening Scroll x1" has been added to the Magic Supplies Workbench.

[Bug Fixes]

The issue where the Nightfire and Flamefeather Glider Skills inflict damage to ships has been fixed.