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[Event] Break the Box Event Event

2024-07-18 08:00

Hello, this is ArcheWorld.
Please refer to the details below regarding the event.

Event Period

  • Asia server: July 18th(Thu) 15:00(UTC+8) - July 25th(Thu) 15:00(UTC+8)
  • NA/SA server: July 18th(Thu) 3:00(UTC-4) - July 25th(Thu) 3:00(UTC-4)
Event Details

  • Consume Blue Archeum through the event coin exchange table and exchange it for Event coins
  • Consume Event coins to destroy Gift for Myself in the event area to obtain random items.

Gift for Myself

  • Upon opening, you can randomly obtain one of the items below.

  Sunlight Absolut Stone       Starlight Absolute Stone     Moonlight Absolute Stone  

Conqueror's Awakening Scroll

Brilliant Lumia Egg

  Kraken Soul Fragment 

Ancestral's Token: Rank 2

Ancestral's Token: Rank 1

Yellow Archeum Core

Purple Archeum Core

Honor Token Crate

Ship Equipment Enhance Scroll

  Radiant Sunlight Protection Stone  

  Radiant Starlight Protection Stone  

  Radiant Moonlight Protection Stone  

Sunlight Protection Stone

Starlight Protection Stone

 Moonlight Protection Stone

Magnificent Lucky Scroll

Illustrious Lucky Scroll

Incomplete Archeum Shard: 5000


50 Gold Pouch


Thank you.